About Us


Swemet is an established supplier of smart grid and smart metering technology and services, providing qualified products and services to electricity network companies in Sweden and Europe, focusing on smart electricity meters and electricity quality.

Swemet also provides larger Battery Energy Systems ( BESS) from 2MWH and upwards, besides delivering a sustainable future powered by Solar and transformational services.

Jan Axelsson

Board member and CEO since 2005. Graduated civil engineer, electrical from the Linköping University of Technology. Two years of education in economics at Linköping University.

Andreas Rydebäck

CIO with 20 years of work experience in the European energy sector. Andreas has held positions in project management and designed numerous large infrastructure solutions.

Our Story

Swemet was founded by Jan Axelsson in 2005 and was listed Swedish stock market (NGM) in 2015.

  • For the first few years, Swemet supplied equipment to Telvent, Sevilla, Spain, in AMRelva III, Vattenfall, delivering infrastructure equipment.
  • In 2008 Swemet established Swemet Communication AB. Later the company was merged into Swemet AB. Staff from Milab AB to be the core group within the company for service and installation work.
  • After 2008, Swemet AB started delivering AMR systems. First customer was Växjö Energi AB.
  • In 2013 new demands were presented from Energimarknadsinpsektionen mainly to guarantee energy customers receive invoices on accurate instant readings from meters. Minimum hourly readings were demanded.
  • Swemet AB is currently delivering AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) systems to energy customers in Scandinavia.

Jan Axelsson, Interview Analysguiden



Some of Swemet’s European Clients & Partners.

Massimo Bonato, CEO

Using Swemet’s MFA500 will save us much time analyzing our cluster of more than 100,000 Energy Meters.

Areti SpA


Ulf Petersson, VD

Swemet and Vixor have started a collaboration on radio-based communication solutions for municipal companies.

Vixor & Co AB

Hisings Backa

Håkan Carefalls, VD

In difficult times Swemet came around for us and delivered Energy Meters for our urgent installations.

Sala Heby Elnät AB



We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our products or services.